My account
I forgot my password to access my account, what I have to do?
Follow the link in the top meniu
[Forgot Password] and enter your username or e-mail address. The password will be sent to your e-mail in few minutes. We use your main e-mail from our database, that you entered during registration or changed in your profile.
How to change my account information?
How to delete my account?
Follow the link in the left menu
"My profile" and then
"Security settings" and click
"Delete my account".
Warning! After using this function all your account information will be deleted and can't be restored. Please think twice of your choice results. Also please don't forget before account deletion to stop your subscription yourself.
I changed my profile info, why it's not changing?
New information will be added/refreshed in a few minutes when database collects all cached data.
Why my account can't be find via search or isn't displayed in Friends List's?
If the search values are correct, possibly you are pending of new photos confirmation. Administration will check and approve/deny your new photos as soon as possible.
You allways can check your pictures status in top meniu page
"My profile" near the link "Change my photos" - (Pending/Approved/Real).
When I try to login system shows error "Profile Disabled" or "Profile is Frozen". What does it mean?
Your profile was disabled because our site
Terms and Conditions ignoring.
Your profile won't be ever enabled, later it will be deleted from database.
The person's data (messages, comments, profile) just gone. Why it may happen?
Probably this user was disabled.
Why it happened you can read one answer above.
How to buy a privilegious membership - Gold or VIP?
Follow link in the left menu
"Membership" - here you will be allowed to buy a better membership.
Why after buying a privileges membership my functions did not work?
You need to logout and login to system again.
How to buy for another user a privilegious membership or credits?
In every user profile below photo is option "Present credits" and "Present membership" - use it ;)
I had got a message from admin, that my membership expires in few days. How can I avoid it?
Your membership expires because it was bought or presented for you for such term.
If you want to prolong it please check which type membership do you have - Gold or VIP. You can see it following left meniu link
How to cancel membership?
Please notice, after buying Membership, re-billing will be turned on. It means, after definite period of time from Your account will be taken money. To stop re-billing, please go Membership -> Choose Your payment method, and there will be info how to stop re-billing.
Why I can‘t read my messages?
Only gold and VIP members are able to read their messages. Please click
HERE and choose the best payment method for you.
How can I check my sended messages?
You can view them in every chat, or just click outbox and you will be able to see your all sended messages.
What is highlighted message and ultra highlighted message?
Highlighted message is visible always on top in red colour till member reads it. Ultra highlighted message is in pop-up and will be visible till member reads it plus on top of the messages list in red colour. Both features gives more attention to your account and you will reach your target much easier.
What is archive and how to use it?
In archive you can save your old or important messages. If you fell that you will need some info from the message in the future just move it to archive and you will be able to check it any time you want.
What is adverse messages?
If you dont want to get messages from some age or some group of members just go to
MY INFO and set up a filter for adverse message. You can always read and remove them in adverse messages box.
I see that I have unread messages but in my inbox I cant find them?
Maybe they are older messages, just set filter to show unread messages and you will be abe to see them.
How can I send SMS?
In sms page you can send a message to user without knowing his number. Just type his username and you can send SMS for him. Also you can send a normal sms to phone number from our website.
What is credits?
Credits is our website currency. You can use them for aditional paid options.
How can I buy credits?
Please click
Here and choose the best payment method for you.
What can I do with my credits?
You can upgrade your membership, buy products in e-shop, send a surprise for your sympathy and much more. You can find all list
How can I send credits for other members?
Open member account, click the credit icon, enter the sum of credits you want to send and your credits will be sended emeadiately.
Why I can‘t use my credits?
Your payment is not approved yet or your credits are frozen. For more details please contact
How to add user to my Friends List?
In each member profile information page below photos is a button "Add to Friends". Use this and wait while the user approves your request to be his/her friend. In this time he/she will be shown in your Friend List as "Pending". After approveing you will be added to his/her Friends List or your request to be a friends may be denied by Pending approval member.
Where to find members list who viewed my profile?
This function allowed only for Gold or VIP members.
If you are privilegied member, in the left meniu follow the link "Last viewers". Here you are able to view your profile viewers.
How to delete friend from the Friends List?
Follow link in the top meniu
"Friends", in this page click link "Edit".
Now you can delete undesirable friends.
How to block user messages?
Follow link in the left meniu
"Ignore List". In this page bottom you are able to add or edit your blocked users list.
I want to delete friend's comment in my profile, does it possible?
Delete only comment is not allowed. But if you'll delete friend who posted that comment from your Friends List, comment will be deleted automatically.
Why I can't use some portal functions that I was able before?
Check the each membership functions that are able to use.
You can read more about functions
here »
How to play HOOK UP game?
In left menu click on
HOOK UP and swipe users with YES or NO. If it‘s match both users will get notification. If you want to send notification without a match please click button DEFINETELY on your crush.
How to buy profle AD and how does it work?
Go to page
PROFILE ADS and choose ad type. Then you start ad your profile you will get much more attention and messages. Your account will be visible in the right corner and in after login page.
Here you can find a lot of offers and post your own with a very little fee.
Ultra Hotline
Who is able to announce messages in Ultra Hotline?
Everybody, who have Simple, Golden or VIP membership and enough credits for that service.
How long my message will be shown in the running line?
Your message in the Runing Hotline will be shown 30 minutes. After this period your text will "fall" into Hotline.
Who can see my message?
Your message both in Running Hotline and in Hotline will see all members.
Why my message disappear?
The message is disappearing because of 3 reasons:
1. the window is full and your message fell out (In the Hotline are placing almost 20 messages and the eldest are deleted)
2. in your message was found advertising or personal contacts.
3. if you posted the message and you don't see it in Running Hotline, it means, that the possition is hired. Your message will be shown after there will be free place.
The advertisement in portal without administration agreement is strictly forbidden. You also can't announce your personal contacts, slanderous or other informations, which is mentioned in §3 of Terms and Conditions (Forbidden content ).
What should I do if my message was deleted?
If your message was deleted and you received warning-letter, please pay attention to your announcements. If administration will recognize your violation 3 times, you will be blocked at least 7 days and you won't be able to post Ultra Hot Lines. By regular violations your profile will be deleted immediately without warning.
Why I can't click on "Post My Message"??
Please, check how many credits you have - if you have less than 70 credits, you won't be able to click on the tab "Post My Message" and post your message.
Who can use and buy in E-shop?
E-shop can be used by each user without exceptions. E-shop and its products can see each internet browser also, but can't buy. For shoping at our e-shop is required to have profile.
How many products I can by at the same time?
It‘s not limited. You just have to have enought credits for buying souvenirs. Otherwise, you wouldn‘t be able to buy souvenirs, which are more expensive.
Can I present the souvenirs?
Yes. You just have to choose souvenir you want to present and put button "Gift". If you want to present more products, put it in product cart. Then press button „send as gift“ and fill the fields with information about sender and receiver. Before sending, be sure that information is correct.
After I put souvenir in product cart it‘s shown „error“.
Please press „Back“ button and check one‘s again that you have put all properties: size, colour and so on..
I have changed the quantity of products, but I can‘t see final price.
After all your changes, always press „Add“ button, and the price will be automatically calculated.If you bought bouquet, please do not forget to set flowers shipment place and push the button "Update".
I want more then one product but different colour/size...
This way you have to choose the same product twice, and to put the colour/size you want.
Where the product can be sent?
This time only in the territory of Lithuania.
What gonna happen with my credits after I bought the souvenir?
After you press „Save“ button, the final price is automatically charged from your profile. (+shipping fee) After admininstrator will approve your order, the credits will be charged without returning back.
I want to buy souvenir but it‘s written that I haven‘t got enought credits.What to do?
It means that you are not able to buy souvenir, than you can buy more credits by pressing „Credits“ button on the left side of the window (or on the link in the text) and to extend your buying.
If I put souvenirs in product cart and want to buy them latter, will they disappear?
No. Souvenirs will be in product cart till you logout.
How I can get my products?
The products will be delivered by courier, if you didn't choose other shipment. Please, be sure that contacts, you gave, are right.
How much costs the shipping by courier?
The taxes various from 50 credits. Skins delivery tax is 80 credits.For delivery of TopShop products will be paid from 100 credits - the price depends of the product weight. The final sum you can check in product cart ("Shipping Cost (Lithuania)")
I received damaged package...
It is possible to return/change the souvenir I bought and recieved?
All souvenirs you bought at our site can not be changed or returned.
How can I find product?
On the left side of our web page you can find the categories of products and to make easier navigation in our e-shop.
How much of products can be in my product cart?
The quantity of products is not limited.
How to know that products I have choosen are in my product cart or wishlist?
At the moment you push button "to cart " or "add to WL" your products already are in your product cart or wishlist. To see them, you just have to go to your product cart on the right side of page or to wishlist, on the left side of page.
In my product cart I see more then one comodity, in case I have added only one.
Just take it easy;) Your credits are not charged till you push button "buy". Untill this moment you can delete product from your cart. This you can do in field "quantity" just changing the number. And don't forget after every changing to push button "refresh"
If I want to go back from products list to the main window of E-shop.
On the left side meniu find link "E-shop" and jus press it.
How can I see the larger picture of the product?
Push on the picture or name of product.
How can I choose T-shirt?
Find product you want to buy, then choose the size and colour you need. After that you have to choose what you want to do with product: buy, to present somebody,or to add to wishlist and to push the particular button.
I have find the T-shirt of my dreams but can't choose size I need. What to do?
Don't worry. It means that at this moment we don't have size or colour you need. Maybe you can choose other colour or size.
When my credits are charged?
It is the same process like to pay by credit card: at the moment you prepared your order, the quantity of credits, which is equal to the price of products, are reserved. When administration will verify your order, your credits will be charged and you wouldn't be able to dispose them. If administration will deny your order in case of other reasons, you will get back your credits.
If member canceled my order, when I will get back my credits?
Reserved credits you will give back immediatelly after your order will be canceled.
How to know, which type of product delivery I have to choose?
Products are delivering by courier. To choose type of delivering (by courier or to take product from real shop) you can only when you are buying Bomba Records products.
What information will I have to provide the courier?
You'll have to say name, surname and to give unique code, which will be generated for you in website after shopping.
Who can have WishList?
WishList can have each user without exceptions. You are Simple, Golden or VIP member – simply select the things that you desire the most and create your own WishList.
How to create WishList?
Select products that you desire the most from the list and confirm the it by clicking on the button.
How many products can be in my WishList?
Maximum 10.
Who will see my WishList?
Your WishList will be shown for each site member, who will open your profile.
Which user can send me the gifts?
The gift can be sent by anybody, who has enough credits for a certain product.
Who pays for the gift?
For the product from your WishList pays the member, who wants to surprise you. For the post delivery you have to pay yourself.
How to present the gift?
First you have to choose a member, for whom you want to present your gift. Then select the product and click on the button „Present the gift“. After this the required amount of credits is reserved in your account. You won’t be able to use these credits. If the receiver will accept your gift, your reserved credits will be charged.
How I will know that the receiver accepted my surprise?
As soon as you will send the gift, the receiver will receive notification. He will either accept your gift or not. In each case you will be informed.
When my credits will be charged?
As soon as you will present the gift for other member, the required amount of credits is reserved in your account. You won’t be able to use these credits. If the receiver will accept your gift, your reserved credits will be charged. If a user will not accept your gift, then reserved credits will be refunded to your account.
When I will get my credits back if receiver didn‘t accept my gift?
The reserved credits will be refunded to your account right after receiver will decline your gift.
I received notification that one of site members wants to present a gift. What should I do now?
If you want to accept that gift, click on the button „I accept“. If not – click on the button „Decline“
How to know, which shipping option to choose?
If the gift will be delivered by courier, it will be given to you personaly. For this service gift receiver pays himself. You can pick up your gift yourself too. After receiving notification about the gift, choose how you wnt the gift to be delivered.
How much costs the shhipping by courier?
For the gift delivery by courier will pay receiver.
When courier will deliver the gift?
We are not responsible for the quality of courier work, but is seeking for the shortest shipping period. Please wait 5 days after you filled the acceptance form.
I received damaged pockage...
How to add photos into my profile?
Follow the link in the left menu
"My profile" and next click on icon with profile or camera photo.
Why photos that I uploaded are not published?
Probably your photo(-s) violated one of the our Photos Uploading Rules:
Photo must be JPEG format and be not bigger than 2 MB.
The pictures must show your image or an identifiable image of a part of your body
Photo must be a good quality.
Unallowed to upload the photos that rights are reserved.
Unallowed to upload photos with others sites links.
Unallowed to upload photos with children (under 18 years old).
Unallowed to upload few same photos.
Unallowed to upload not yours photos.
What's a "Picture is Real" label in user profile?
Users with this status are real, it means that they really exist. They don't need to wait until administrator checks their photo and approves it for public access.
How to get status "Real Member"?
There are two ways to get it:
1. Send us a picture holding a sign ""
2. Send us a semi-official document (e.g. Student ID, Driver licence)
It takes some time. If photos will be allright, administration give you access to "Real Member" status.
[email protected]
Don't forget to mansion your username!
Why I can't upload photos anymore?
Check uploading, maybe for your account function to upload photos was disabled.
It was disabled cause your violation of photos uploading rules.
Why I am allowed to upload up to 10 photos?
The number of photos you're allowed to upload depends from the current membership you have:
Simple members can upload up to 10 photos;
Golden members can upload up to 30 photos;
VIP members can upload up to 56 photos.
Can I Hide my photo(-s) and decide myself who'll have a permission to see it?
Yes, this function is called Granted Members - your chosen photos are locked down so that to see them, user has to ask for your permission - you just have to let or dismiss this request.
My photos were deleted. Why?
In most cases the reason is sent to your inbox. Also you can check photo uploading rules in FAQ. If you still believe that your photo did not violate any of the rules and it was deleted without any reasons, please contact our administration and we will help you out.
Video and Albums
Requirements for video uploading
- Video must be *avi, *asf, *wmv, *mpeg, *asx, *mov, *flv, *rm, *mp4 format;
- Video size not bigger than 400 MB.
- Each member can apload max 2 videos.
- Unallowed to upload the videos that rights are reserved.
- Unallowed to upload videos with others sites links.
- Unallowed to upload videos with children till 18 year .
- Unallowed to upload few same videos.
- Unallowed to upload not yours videos.
How to add videos into my profile?
Why videos that I uploaded are not published?
Probably your video(-s) violated one of the Photos Uploading Rules:
Video must be *avi, *asf, *wmv, *mpeg, *asx, *mov, *flv, *rm, *mp4 format;
Video size not bigger than 400 MB.
Each member can apload max 2 videos.
Unallowed to upload the videos that rights are reserved.
Unallowed to upload videos with others sites links.
Unallowed to upload videos with children till 18 year.
Unallowed to upload few same videos.
Unallowed to upload not yours videos.
Can I Hide my video(-s) and decide myself who'll have a permission to see it?
Yes, this function is called Granted Members - your chosen photos are locked down so that to see them, user has to ask for your permission - you just have to let or dismiss this request.
My videos were deleted. Why?
In most cases the reason is sent to your inbox. Also you can check video uploading rules in FAQ. If you still believe that your video did not violate any of the rules and it was deleted without any reasons, please contact our administration and we will help you out.
Why I cant create commercial video/photo album?
Only real members can create commercial albums. If you want to became real please click
How much credits I will get fro commercial video/photo album view?
Members should set their price by themself. You can set any price you want.
Why my commercial video/photo album was deletd?
Perhaps photos/videos was not yours or you broke other website rules. Please contact
ADMIN for more information.
How much time members will be able to see my commercial video/photo album?
After payment they will be able to see your comercial album for 5 days.
Who can post events?
All users can post events for FREE. Please clisk
HERE and post your own event.
Why my participation in event is canceled?
Only event owner can answer this question. He is the first user in participants list, please contact him for more information.
How can I make my event visible on the top of the list?
Event should have more than 20 participants and you should advertise our website in your event. For more information please contact
How can I make my event invisible for some users?
Then posting your event please select aditional filters and set the type of users who wont be able to join or see your event.
How can I cancel notifications about new ewebts?
In the end of notification click special url and you will be able to cancel it. Or go to page
Notifications and set the filters by yourself.
My Community
Who can see my posts?
All your friends and member who has no friends in their friends list.
Can I hide my posts?
Yes you can, go to
MY COMMUNITY, right menu and there you can select information you want to hide.
Why I can see admin posts?
Admin posts are visible for all users.
How can I filter my riends activiyti and posts?
You need to go to
MY COMMUNITY, right menu and there you can filter the post you want to see from your friends.
Why I can‘t use CHAT?
You need to became gold or VIP member. Please click
HERE and select the best payment method for you.
Why I was kicked from CHAT?
Perhaps you broke the CHAT rules or typed some bad words. For more information please contact
When I will be able to use CHAT again?
It could took from 1 day to 30 days or maybe more. For more information please contact
Other users saying bad words about me, what should I do?
Always contact a CHAT moderator or
Who can create a group?
All users are able to create a group for free.
Why I cant join the group?
This group is private you need to wait for approval.
What kind of groups I can create?
Public group – all users can join this group any time. Private group – users can join the group after moderators or founders approval. Secret group – invisible, users can only be invited to this group.
What is group founders and moderators?
Founders are members who created the group and could make other members as moderators. Moderators, can approve other members and moderate group posts.
Why my group was deleted?
If there was no new post in 3 month, system deleted your group.
Why my post was deleted?
Probably you broke the rules of the group. Please contact group founder or moderator for more information.
How can I leave the group?
Go to your group and in the right menu you will find an option to leave the group.
Whats is society?
In page society you are able to read blogs and forums, participate in some photo games, check our facebook news and much more.
Can I use society with simple membership?
Yes society is absolutely free for all our users.
Who can participate in new photos game?
All members who has a real members status. Every day we choose 3 winners who get 300, 200 and 100 credits.
Why my blog post is not visible yet?
Your blog post is waiting for approval. Our moderators will chack it as soon as possible.
Premium Content
What is Premium Content?
Premium is a new function which allows our users to earn REAL money.
What I can upload?
Any content except that prohibited by law.
What I can't upload?
Photo/video content that is copyrighted or prohibited by law.
How I will get paid?
After you reached minimal payout sum (100EUR) please use corresponding "Ask for Payout" button. We make payouts on 1-3 or 15-18 day every month.
Why i get less than shown in my profile?
You get 70% other 30% are taxes for our platform.
Premium authors can't send spam messages and they must upload new content every week.
Who can do performance?
All REAL girls can you use WEBCAM platform. You can bevome REAL
How much i earn?
You will get 100% we don't use any taxes or commisions.
How i will get my money?
Then you earn 100 EUR please contact administrator for payout. We will send money to your bank account on 1-3 or 15-18 days every month.
1. Never send money to anyone you meet online, under any circumstance. Report them to us. Better use our Premium paid content or WEBCAM platforms.
2. It‘s prohibited to spam, post job offers and ads in our website.
Please read these rules before.